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Saint Cloud Leadership Seminar Details

Day/Date: Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Time: 9:00 a.m. to Noon
Location: Rasmussen College
226 Park Ave South
Saint Cloud, MN 56301

Fee Structure:
1 Registration – $75
2 Registrations – $130
3 Registrations – $165
Additional – $55 Each

Saint Cloud Leadership Seminar

Success in any organization depends on the leadership and coaching skills of its supervisors and managers. The culture of any entity starts at the top and permeates the entire organization. This hands-on workshop is based on the premise that the leader is the decisive element in any organization. His/her “people skills” create the climate and determine whether problems will be escalated or deescalated, and whether staff people will be motivated or demotivated. Whether problems are viewed as something to correct or something to condemn depends largely on the attitude and demeanor of the person in charge. True leadership skills are built from the inside out.

Objectives: What Participants Will Learn

  • Five traits of a successful leader
  • How to stay positive even during challenging times
  • How increased awareness leads to self-mastery
  • How to self-coach to achieve mastery of any desired skill
  • How to develop emotional intelligence that leads to a calm and controlled leadership style
  • How to stay calm under fire
  • How to clearly define and train for desired outcomes.
  • How to deal with upset people calmly and effectively
  • How to deal with problems in a corrective rather than critical manner

Create a culture that people want to be a part of and a workplace where people enjoy coming to work.

CALL (320) 250-9741 TO REGISTER

About the Leadership Seminar Facilitator

Denny Smith has been creating and facilitating learning experiences for over 45 years, including 22 years as a teacher and coach and 24 years as a professional speaker, trainer and seminar leader. He has conducted personal and professional sessions for business groups, sales organization, health care professionals, educators and students. His sometimes emotional, sometimes humorous but always sincere approach to his audience and subject matter has been enjoyed by audiences in 21 states and Canada.

Dennis Smith Training & Development   |   Phone: (320)250-9741   |   Email:
Address: P.O. BOX 1611 Saint Cloud, Minnesota 56302

Denins Smith Training & Development is located in Saint Cloud, MN. Denny Smith speaks nationally as a keynote speaker, wrap-up speaker and breakout speaker.
Connect with us today to hire Denny Smith for your next event.