The “Coaches Make the Difference” audio learning program is all about the intangibles in coaching — leadership, motivation, and being a positive role model for the young people entrusted to you. Success in coaching goes far beyond the verdict of the scoreboard. The things that matter the most are your relationships with your players and fellow coaches. I spent 31 years wearing a pair of sneakers. 

In “Coaches Make the Difference,” I share some of the highlights, but I also point out some things that left something to be desired. The purpose is to shorten the learning curve and to help coaches of all ages to avoid the pitfalls and enjoy more success. I started out during the old authoritarian days and consequently did some things differently than I did as my career progressed. As my coaching style evolved and changed, so did the results. Teaching yourself to be more patient, a better communicator, and a more effective bench coach are just a few of the benefits that can be derived from the program. Why Audio? Audio learning is one of the most powerful tools available for growth and change. As coaches, we know that repetition in the mother of all learning, which is why we drill our athletes on the fundamentals every day. Developing our attitudes and “people skills” requires that same kind of repetitive activity. Listening to this and other audio programs on a regular basis during drive time offers an opportunity to constantly reinforce the emotional skills that lead to self-mastery and success, both on and off the job.


Creating the Culture Lesson 1 part 1 – Denny Smith reminds you that your creating the culture sets the tone for how your organization runs. He also guides participants in how to create that change. This clip is from his DVD leadership training series.



Sample the amazing way that Denny Smith reaches an organization when he presents and speaks. Get a real feel for having him come into your business, school or organization.


Some organizations have an indescribable pulse — that certain “Culture” where everything is humming. This culture happens from the top down. Upper management is committed to creating a working environment that fosters quality in a climate of mutual respect. Then they get everyone on their leadership team to “catch the measles” — to buy into the idea that a positive working environment is the key to their success. They pay close attention to training the personal and professional leadership skills that make it happen. Those leadership skills stem from the inside out. In short, their personal positivity, their ability to solve problems in a corrective rather than critical manner, and good communications skills become a way of life. The essential ingredient is self-mastery, which leads to reacting to upsetting situations in a calm and confident manner. “Leadership from the Inside Out” is based on the premise that creating a positive climate for people is a skill — and one that is essential to developing a happy and motivated workforce.

Dennis Smith Training & Development   |   Phone: (320)250-9741   |   Email: Denny@DennySmith.com
Address: P.O. BOX 1611 Saint Cloud, Minnesota 56302

Denins Smith Training & Development is located in Saint Cloud, MN. Denny Smith speaks nationally as a keynote speaker, wrap-up speaker and breakout speaker.
Connect with us today to hire Denny Smith for your next event.