Teachers Make The Difference Series
This video series is absolutely free. Teachers Make The Difference is a series of one to three-minute video clips that help educators become more patient, develop more confidence, increase emotional intelligence, and achieve mastery of any desired skill.
Why Subscribe to TMTD?
- The program provides ongoing motivation for your entire staff.
- The clips can be used for staff development meetings, PLC, PBIS, etc.
- The vignettes can serve as an effective coaching tool for staff and administrators.
- You can save the messages in a folder for future reference.
How It Works?
- Each week you receive a one to three-minute motivational / professional development video clip that you can forward to your entire staff.
- It requires only the time it takes to push the “fwd” button to share the clips.
- There is no cost, this is a free service of Dennis Smith Training.
Emails are sent via MailChimp. You can unsubscribe at anytime. Be sure to check your “Promotions” or “Spam” Folder once you subscribe and add denny@dennysmith.com to your whitelisted contacts.
Leadership From The Inside Out Video Series
This video series is absolutely free. Leadership From The Inside Out is a series of one to three-minute video clips that help leaders become more patient, develop more confidence, increase emotional intelligence, and achieve mastery of any desired skill.
Why Subscribe to LFTIO?
- The program provides ongoing motivation for your entire staff.
- The clips can be used in leadership and/or team meetings.
- The vignettes can serve as an effective supervisory coaching tool.
- You can save the messages in a folder for future reference.
How It Works?
- Each week you receive a one to three-minute leadership and “people-skills” video clip that you can forward to your entire staff.
- It requires only the time it takes to push the “fwd” button to share the clips.
- There is no cost, this is a free service of Dennis Smith Training.
Emails are sent via MailChimp. You can unsubscribe at anytime. Be sure to check your “Promotions” or “Spam” Folder once you subscribe and add denny@dennysmith.com to your whitelisted contacts.
Coaches Make The Difference Series
This video series is absolutely free. Coaches Make The Difference is a series of one to three-minute video clips that help coaches be more positive, more patient, more calm on the bench, and more resourceful in all phases of coaching.
Why Subscribe to CMTD?
- The program provides ongoing motivation for coaches.
- The clips can be used in coaches’ meetings.
- The vignettes can be used as effective coaching tools for Activities Directors.
- You can save the messages in a folder for future reference.
How It Works?
- Each week you receive a one to three-minute motivational / professional development video clip that you can forward to all of your coaches.
- It requires only the time it takes to push the “fwd” button to share the clips.
- There is no cost, this is a free service of Dennis Smith Training.
Emails are sent via MailChimp. You can unsubscribe at anytime. Be sure to check your “Promotions” or “Spam” Folder once you subscribe and add denny@dennysmith.com to your whitelisted contacts.
Dennis Smith Training & Development | Phone: (320)250-9741 | Email: Denny@DennySmith.com
Address: P.O. BOX 1611 Saint Cloud, Minnesota 56302
Denins Smith Training & Development is located in Saint Cloud, MN. Denny Smith speaks nationally as a keynote speaker, wrap-up speaker and breakout speaker.
Connect with us today to hire Denny Smith for your next event.